What is a Chemical Flush?

A chemical system flush is a simple process designed to clear rust out of the insides of the pipes of your central heating system.

You just pump some chemicals in, and they work to clean out blockages, allowing hot water to flow more easily to ensure that things stay hot.

It usually happens when a new boiler is installed in your heating system, but if you're finding cold spots in your boiler system even without a new boiler, then it's high time to get this fixed.

Why Do I Need a Chemical Flush?

Over the years, rust can build up in the pipes of your central boiler system, preventing hot water from traveling around the system. A chemical pump cleanse is a great way to get a number of blockages flushed out, letting hot water into all the cold spots in your system.

It's important to keep your pipes clear of rust so water can flow through them cleanly and efficiently, and chemical flushing can enable that. It's cheaper than magnetic cleansing, may not require the help of an engineer, and doesn't take a long time.

Benefits to Chemical Cleanings

A chemical boiler cleanse will help to clear all of the inhibitor debris and sludge from the insides of your central heating system.

This will help to ensure that the hot water reaches every part of your home, as well as generally improving the energy efficiency of your heating and helping saving money and energy in the longer term. As standard, it will prevent radiator damage for a while, and it doesn't even take a long time.

Recommend Frequency of Chemical Cleanings

A chemical flush is a major piece of standard boiler servicing, and you'll be pleased to hear that you don't need to use this type of maintenance on a regular basis. Most boilers will only need a few chemical system flush services over their entire lifespan!

The answer to when you need to perform a power flush may vary from boiler to boiler, but asa general rule, if the bottoms of your radiators are still cold even when your heating is switched on, you may want to look into a chemical flush.

Always do it when a new central heating pipe system, radiator, or inhibitor is installed, as these tend to have all sorts of loose debris from the installation process, and you will want to prevent damage.

Cost to Perform a Chemical Cleaning

There are several different variables that may affect the total cost of a power flush.

These include things like the age of your central hot water system and the size of your central heating system. Don't let that price put you off, though, as the increased efficiency you could get will offset that soon enough, and you should try to prevent further damage.

Time Needed to Perform Chemical Cleaning

In most cases, a chemical clean will take a few hours to complete. This will depend on how large your central heating system is. If there are more radiators in need of flushing, it will take more time to fully flush the system out. After a few hours, though, you'll feel the benefits as your heating system starts to work properly again.


When it comes to glycol, don't go it alone! The water system specialists at Atom Chemical can help identify the proper glycol for your system, determine proper water to chemical ratios, and implement an effective maintenance program.