What is Glycol?
Glycol, sometimes known as "anti-freeze," is an organic molecule in the alcohol family that is used to keep temperatures low while preventing freezing in water systems. Though it is naturally clear, glycol is often dyed a fluorescent color and is reportedly sweet (but please, no taste testing).
Some glycol variants are more hazardous than others, and mixing different types or brands in your systems can create congealing, clogging, and inaccurate freeze levels.
When operating a cooling system, it's important to get advice from a licensed water-treatment professional who is familiar with the many glycol options and can recommend the safest course of action.
Glycol in Closed-Loop Water Systems
As the "antifreeze" nickname suggests, the primary purpose of glycol in cooling systems is to keep the system as cold as possible without freezing over. When glycol is mixed with water, the freezing point can drop as low as -60 degrees Fahrenheit, thus, effectively preventing water from freezing and pipes from bursting.
Which Glycol to Use
Although ethylene glycol is the industry standard for freeze avoidance, it is not always the best solution. Ethylene glycol can be hazardous; using it in systems with food or drinking water nearby may cause major problems.
Propylene Glycol is used more often because releasing Ethylene Glycol into surface or sanitary water systems could be harmful to the environment or even lethal in some situations, such as food services.
Main Types of Glycol
Ethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol doesn't have a smell and tastes sweet. It is used to make antifreeze and other products that help keep cars, planes, and boats from freezing up. It is also used in brake fluids and inks for stamp pads, ballpoint pens, and printing presses.
Propylene glycol
Propylene glycol is used to make polyester compounds and as a base for solutions that melt ice. It is mostly used as an antifreeze in the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries, where leaks could make food unsafe.
Atom Chemical is the leading provider of glycol solutions in this market. The water system specialists at Atom Chemical can help identify the proper glycol for your system, determine proper water-to-chemical ratios, provide, deliver, and inject the glycol into your system, and implement an effective monthly maintenance program.
Atom Chemical
525 Maplewood Boulevard Georgetown, Indiana 47122
(812) 949-2866